Why do we like listening to music?

Do we listen to music differently in different stages of our lives?  Do we find some songs more gratifying than others in different times in our lives? Why do some songs make us feel good inside and others are just... just alright. Is it the wave frequency or is it that we relate to the lyrics? I, personally, know that I am not drawn to the words, sure it's great when the songs connect to your feelings and thoughts, but that is not my top requirement when choosing which songs I like or I should say which songs pull me in. I don't feel I choose them. They automatically get replayed and eventually given the title (at least in my head if I don't share them with anyone) that this song is goood.  My taste of music is different than what most people around me like. It is a personal thing. Most of the time I listen to music either on my earphones or in my car, sometimes there are others around me where in that case I listen to different genres usually something more upbeat. Most d

Boys and Girls and Colors

I've always hated stereotypes or how in this case one color becomes the world to a girl or boy. We smile automatically when a young girl tells you her favorite color is pink or a young boy tells you his favorite color is blue and we react with " aaaw that's so cute, you even have a blue toothpaste habibi. Your favorite color is blue ya? You're so cute" ...and the young boy reacts with a proud smile.

Alright that's nice (and cute, I love kids) but why are we pushing a specific color into their thinking, or more over why is society doing this? For marketing reasons?

I think nowadays its harder for a kid to discover what his favorite color is, because they probably link it to something they own or to what other kids their age like--they probably don't want to be different unless their parents taught them that its good to be unique and different. Which brings us to early peer pressure, if you think about it, even for children and toddlers. Oh poor kids!

Anyway, what we don't realize about this color issue is that we are psychologically placing a block within the child's mind by unintentionally (or intentionally) sending them the message that the opposite gender's color is not for them and that the other colors are not that much important.

Take a look....the below images are taken by a South Korean photographer, JeongMee Yoon, who was surprised at how deep gender and color associations were implanted within the minds of kids.


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