Why do we like listening to music?

Do we listen to music differently in different stages of our lives?  Do we find some songs more gratifying than others in different times in our lives? Why do some songs make us feel good inside and others are just... just alright. Is it the wave frequency or is it that we relate to the lyrics? I, personally, know that I am not drawn to the words, sure it's great when the songs connect to your feelings and thoughts, but that is not my top requirement when choosing which songs I like or I should say which songs pull me in. I don't feel I choose them. They automatically get replayed and eventually given the title (at least in my head if I don't share them with anyone) that this song is goood.  My taste of music is different than what most people around me like. It is a personal thing. Most of the time I listen to music either on my earphones or in my car, sometimes there are others around me where in that case I listen to different genres usually something more upbeat. Most d

Always Comparing Yourself - For the Better or for the Worse?

When you meet someone or interact with someone you unconsciously start realizing things about them that are perhaps missing from yourself. It could be something you want, something you are glad you don't have--but in any case your mind starts comparing whether you are aware of it or not.

Now you can meet someone that is doing better than you and start thinking what am I doing wrong, why is that not me? Perhaps you automatically start belittling yourself. Now how you move forward with such thoughts is completely up to you but do realize one thing--you can use such thoughts as motivation to become better or you can get sad, feel sorry for yourself and therefore demotivate yourself from doing anything well!

How should you look at "better-than-you" people? Well, I suggest you tell yourself to realize what exactly is good about that person's quality and then ask yourself "if I had this quality would it benefit me?" If your answer is yes, then ask yourself "what do you need to do to have that quality" and work from there. Never have anyone demotivate you. Never get jealous of anyone else (you never know, they could be looking at you thinking you have what they want) for envy can destroy you.

And remember putting your mind on something will get you there if you try hard enough.


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