Why do we like listening to music?

A simple blog about what fascinates me in life and what goes on in my head. My aim is to inspire others and make them think about life. You'll find me writing about: psychology, philosophy, energy (Reiki), nature, architecture, design, marketing, advertising, photography, cooking, and baking; in addition to my commentary about life in general. Trying to spread Love & Peace. A modern hippie in a beautiful world. ♥
Orange SMS: Text messaging while driving prevents you from seeing what really matters.
I go through magazines and newspapers and it is always the same thing: "aah this ad is about this product...I got it, you want me to buy it...okay next."
The reaction I want to be getting is (if you know me):
1- [a low laugh or giggle and then a weird look from someone around me] "no way! That is creative, I wonder how they did that"?!
2- "hmm I wonder what they mean" [look into the ad further for the details to find out the message]
3- "Ewwww" or "cuuute" and then stare at the ad for a bit to just look at something creatively pretty that our eye is not used to.
I need to point something out though--thinking too much about an ad sometimes makes it stupid--meaning after you see the ad you get "OMG from this that got thaaaatt??!!!" (negative) reaction. Sometimes what makes an ad good is its simplicity. Such as this one for Crest:
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