Why do we like listening to music?

Do we listen to music differently in different stages of our lives?  Do we find some songs more gratifying than others in different times in our lives? Why do some songs make us feel good inside and others are just... just alright. Is it the wave frequency or is it that we relate to the lyrics? I, personally, know that I am not drawn to the words, sure it's great when the songs connect to your feelings and thoughts, but that is not my top requirement when choosing which songs I like or I should say which songs pull me in. I don't feel I choose them. They automatically get replayed and eventually given the title (at least in my head if I don't share them with anyone) that this song is goood.  My taste of music is different than what most people around me like. It is a personal thing. Most of the time I listen to music either on my earphones or in my car, sometimes there are others around me where in that case I listen to different genres usually something more upbeat. Most d...

Wake me up

I'm back and I am ready to be woken up!

Oftentimes when you are a working person, you get stuck to the same routine lifestyle. Currently, since I've been so busy lately, I have been neglecting my interests and my time to improve myself. Usually, when I am not busy, I come back home and get online to relax. I read blogs, articles or anything that interests me--its what I call my at home college.

That being said, I need to go back to my "college".

I'm going to start writing in this blog again and I'll start working on an online portfolio as well :)

  • In terms of graphic design, I'm going to start creating fake projects so I can practice and add to my portfolio.
  • As for website developing, I need to learn html (after asking around I heard that will be the easiest).
  • Now for painting, I have so many that I have done in my past so I will take pictures of them and put them up and then begin working on more new ones.
  • Then there is cooking, my last plan was to start designing a cookbook. Which means compiling recipes from everywhere and taking pictures of each one. So I will begin my work on that, it will be my practice on InDesign or Quark. But for this project I really would like to have a professional camera--so we shall see.

Currently this is what I have in mind--there can be much more--but I will start there! Thinking about each one actually makes me happy, but I just need to dedicate time for everything. With Ramadan around the corner--I hope I will find time (and energy) then.

Also I am going to start carrying around a journal!


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