Why do we like listening to music?

Do we listen to music differently in different stages of our lives?  Do we find some songs more gratifying than others in different times in our lives? Why do some songs make us feel good inside and others are just... just alright. Is it the wave frequency or is it that we relate to the lyrics? I, personally, know that I am not drawn to the words, sure it's great when the songs connect to your feelings and thoughts, but that is not my top requirement when choosing which songs I like or I should say which songs pull me in. I don't feel I choose them. They automatically get replayed and eventually given the title (at least in my head if I don't share them with anyone) that this song is goood.  My taste of music is different than what most people around me like. It is a personal thing. Most of the time I listen to music either on my earphones or in my car, sometimes there are others around me where in that case I listen to different genres usually something more upbeat. Most d

Loud Rain

It hasn't rained here in Amman in a while (like a couple of weeks), but today it did finally. I actually got a chance to take pictures (but I took them from inside my house so not that interesting but still) :)
First I took pictures of the weather suddenly changing from suppper clear and cloudless to total whiteness and complete fog.

The picture below is from my room, some people are building a house so they decided to be very nice people and create a new view for me by piling up their extra dirt and trash. Lucky me huh?

But then it started raining woohooo :)

Couldn't really get a good shot but the street was flooded and minutes later their was a stream of dirt flowing on down.

Ya I just realized this is a boring post, but I like rain and especially thunder and lightening.


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